The Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake occurred on the Longmenshan fault which inclines at a dip angle exceeding 60 degrees.Since......
Recent data indicate that hepatic angiogenesis, regardless of the etiology, takes place in chronic liver diseases(CLDs) ......
For modern processes at deep sub-micron technology nodes, yield design, especially the design at the layout stage is an ......
A continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method for cracks growth and coalescence in brittle ma
A method of continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton for modeling the growth and coalescence of multiple cracks in br......
It is well-known that there are circumstances where applying Reiter’s closed world assump-tion (CWA) will lead to logic......
The complexity of signal controlled traffic largely stems from the various driving behaviors developed in response to th......
A new B-spline surface reconstruction method from layer data based on deformable modelis presented. An initial deformabl......
Effects of heat treatment on dynamic compressive properties and energy absorption characteristics of
The effects of heat treatment on the dynamic compressive properties and energy absorption characteristics of open cell a......
In many signal processing applications there is often a set of linear equations to be solved.According tothe signal prop......
For 3D sensor networks to monitor the ocean, forest and aerosphere, etc., sensors can forward their data to the base sta......
Commonsense representation and manipulation based on fuzzy logic is a new research field which handles the incompletenes......